Двупластови лигавници на ролка – 1 пласт хартия + 1 пласт найлон.
Перфориран за удобно прилепване около врата на пациента. Така дрехите на пациента остават чисти и защитени.
Размери: 53 х 60 см
Опаковка: Ролка - 80 бр...
Merge with the product from the cart?
The main product of the bundle has already been added to the cart. Merge with the product from the cart or add the bundle to the cart?
Customize bundle or add to cart?You can customize the bundle.
Merge with the product from the cart?
The main product of the bundle has already been added to the cart. Merge with the product from the cart or add the bundle to the cart?